Maria Paula de Oliveira Pires

RN, Paediatric Specialist, MSc, PhD

Maria Paula is a Lecturer in Nursing at Paulista University (UNIP), Sao Paulo, Brazil since 2011. She graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Paulo, Brazil (2008), and specialised in Nursing in Intensive and Emergency Care for Children and Adolescents at Children Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (ICr HCFMUSP), Sao Paulo, Brazil (2009). She completed her Master's Degree in Paediatric Nursing (2014), and her Doctoral Degree in Experimental Blood Transfusion Research (2018), both from the Graduate Program of UNIFESP.

Maria Paula joined the Alliance for Vascular Access Teaching and Research (AVATAR) as an Adjunct Research Fellow after spending three months as a Visiting Research Fellow as part of her PhD (2017). She is also a member of the Safety, Technology and Care Nursing Research Group in Patient Safety, Critical Care and Intravenous Therapy (SEGTEC), UNIFESP-Brazil since 2009. She is currently working as a Research Assistant and Brazilian Adjunct Coordinator for Vascular AccesS Catheter Use in Latin AmeRica (VASCULAR) Study with collaboration between the AVATAR Group and SEGTEC Group.

Maria Paula has clinical experience as a Paediatric Registered Nurse in Surgical Unit, PICU and NICU. She also has completed the Qualification Course on the use of PICCs in children by the Brazilian Society of Paediatric Nurses, SOBEP, Brazil (2010). She has experience in quantitative and experimental nursing research, patient safety, paediatrics, vascular access devices and intravenous therapy, blood transfusion, and project management.


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