Just Say No to the Just in Case Cannula: An
Implementation Science Trial
Implementing Best Practice for Peripheral Intravenous Cannula in Australian Emergency Departments:
A Stepped-wedge Cluster Controlled Trial and Health Economic Analysis
Peripheral intravenous cannulas (PIVC) are commonly used in Emergency Departments (ED) to gain vascular access. They are generally safe and simple to insert. They are however painful for patients, use resources and have a small risk of occupational exposure to staff.
With only half of healthcare workers utilizing PIVCs effectively, our initiative aims to address this critical issue.
PIVCs, while deemed beneficial, can inflict pain, divert attention from essential care, and pose serious health risks like hospital-acquired infections.
There is also the annual cost of PIVC insertion in Australian adult Emergency Department insertions which is estimated at A$594 million with the unused contribution being A$305.9 million and 11,790 clinician days.
Through a strategic rollout in participating health services, our project promises significant healthcare improvements, paving the way for a nationwide transformation. Follow our groundbreaking journey over the next five years as we strive to make a lasting impact on patient well-being.
Nine participating trial hospitals are:
1. Monash Medical Centre (Monash Health)
2. Casey Hospital (Monash Health)
3. Dandenong Hospital (Monash Health)
4. Alfred Hospital (Alfred Health)
5. Sandringham Hospital (Alfred Health)
6. Box Hill Hospital (Eastern Health)
7. Gold Coast University Hospital (Queensland Health)
8. Robina Hospital (Queensland Health)
9. Royal Hobart Hospital (Tasmania Health)
Trial details: ANZCTR - Registration
Funding: Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)
Contact: Prof Diana Egerton-Warburton Diana.Egerton-Warburton@monash.edu