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AVATAR Evidence Update 2016

Posted on 27 September 2016

The AVATAR group has recently added a new initiative to their Education and Evidence Based Practice Platform: Evidence Update 2016 (http://www.avatargroup.org.au/evidence-update-2016.html).
We have identified our top 5 recent high level evidence publications in relation to vascular access interventions. We will add to this each year.
Along with the publications we are in the process of producing brief videos on each of the 5 publications that outline the significance of each: these will also be on the website. These top tips are also produced as cards (below) for identification pockets. We handed out many at the recent AVA conference in Orlando and will also be providing them to AVAS/WoCoVA delegates.

Tags:AVATARinfection preventionintravenous catheterIV managementvascular access devices


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