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Clinical decision making for safety: 3M webinar now available

Posted by Gillian Ray-Barruel on 8 October 2020

Clinical decision making for safety: Managing vascular access devices during the pandemic and beyond.

This is a webinar developed by 3M and Gillian Ray-Barruel to highlight many of the key considerations surrounding vascular access device management during Covid-19.

You are welcome to share with your staff, if this is useful.

Link: https://mmm.bravais.com/s/FHDZv0LFQ2xTgVOWm57W


Gillian Ray-BarruelAuthor:Gillian Ray-Barruel
About: Dr Gillian Ray-Barruel is a leading nurse researcher who coordinated the OMG Study which recruited more than 40,000 patients with PIVCs globally. Dr Ray-Barruel holds a joint appointment as a Senior Research Fellow at QEII Jubilee Hospital and Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. She has extensive experience in vascular access devices research, critical care nursing, patient assessment, and project management. Dr Ray-Barruel is dedicated to improving assessment and decision-making by bedside clinicians to prevent patient complications and improve healthcare outcomes.
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